Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Out damned spot"- Freecycle & VA to the rescue

Maybe you remember the few times I've ranted about the accumulated piles of stuff that we're supposed to sell.

Well, I am sick to death of the piles in my living room, my bedroom, and both of my kids rooms.

The VA is coming tomorrow to pick up a bag of stuff and I've just listed two things on Freecycle and plan on doing more as the day goes along.

I sent off a Christmas package to a friends two little girls and for packing materials I used some of Big Girls outgrown clothing that I know they will use someday. Interestingly, when I was helping my friend with the two little girls get ready for baby girl number 2 I had to convince her that it was ok to get rid of baby clothes that she hated. She was keeping them out of some loyalty to the people who gave them to her but refused to dress her little girls in them. I talked her into letting me take anything she hated and after awhile she was tossing things left and right. I did take the bag home and I sorted it and some went to Goodwill and some I saved for another friend's baby Girl who was due in a few months. So, I am hoping she remembers this when she opens the box and finds things she doesn't like.

I'm not resubscribing to any magazines and the newspaper is going too when my contract is up. I have let go of the guilt of tossing Big Girls constant stream of artwork. Some of her best pieces are displayed throughout the house but I refuse to cling to every scribble.

I do not function well with clutter. I will not listen to my Mother tell me not to get rid of stuff because I could sell it or because so and so gave it to me. I am up to my ears in things I don't love even though so and so gave it to me. Clutter- pack your bags, I'm sending you out into the world to find someone who loves you because I don't anymore.
Thank You Flylady.

Ok, back to bagging up last seasons baby boy clothes and shoes.


Tread Softly said...

Good Job!
Darling and I are natural clutter collectors, especially with random scribbles. We both have boxes and boxes of notebooks we can bring ourselves to toss. Luckily, we move every year, so we've learned to pick and choose which junk we're willing to drag from apartment to apartment.

Melinda said...

Go Flylady!!!! Isn't she just the best for helping you get rid of stuff! I'm slowly getting there, but persuading my 9yo that she really doesn't love literally every toy she's had in her lifetime is taking some doing! I've also struggled with the "so and so gave this to me so I have to keep it" feelings, which I am now nearly over! Good luck with the decluttering!

Unknown said...

thanks for visiting my blog!

I need to do some more decluttering!! Remember to save the children's artwork to wrap up gifts :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Ahhhh, doesn't that feel just AWESOME? BTW, I died at that shot of your children's tree decorating job. PERFECT!

C said...

Thanks for answering my question about paychecks... woah, that's a lot of money just so you don't have to put your money in a bank. One of the things I love best about blogs is how you learn all these snippets of cultural differences so I really appreciate you taking the time to explain!

Our house is also in dire need of a declutter. Good on you for tackling yours. :)
