I'm as bad as the next person when it comes to over buying stuff that wasn't planned when in the dollar store. I think the lure of cheap items sucks out some of our thinking power. Some of the stuff in those dollar stores is actually more expensive than when you buy on sale at a grocery store (I'm looking at you, corn bread mix).
So, it hadn't occurred to me to do something as simple as shop with a list when I step into dollar world until I read this tip from the All You website. Ok, I think I can do this. Today my specific list contains one thing- a new eyeliner sharpener. I might be better off buying Revlon quality at Target with a coupon. But you never know, Revlon might actually be in stock today. I also need some more wrapping paper for kid gifts but I think I'll hold out for a garage sale mother lode. I can make do with what we have left.
So, I thought with the exception of my closet (which i can't really get all the way into right now because we shoved a bunch of rubbermaid tubs in there when we got new bedroom furniture) I thought I had conquered all out grown and unwanted stuff. I have another Goodwill bag filled.
And two smaller bags to give away to a friend. As long as I'm taking out more than I'm bringing in I guess that's good.
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