Monday, April 7, 2008

$30 Grocery Challenge Spending Tally-

A grocery trip to Aldi took a hefty chunk out of my budget for the month.

Before Aldi today: 22.55


Animal Crackers for preschool snack day- 1.19
Cheap wheat bread- .99
Gallon of Skim Milk- 3.19 (note to self: .20 cents cheaper than S-A-L.)
Tax- .19

Total: 5.56

New Balance for the month- 16.99

I still don't trust myself to make decent sandwich bread. As we get to later in the month I may get desperate enough to try making it.

As for the animal crackers- I know I could and probably should have made scratch cookies. However, the last time I labored over pretty (and tasty) frosting heaped cookies I watched over half of them go into the trash can with only a bite or two out of them. This will hurt much less.

We're good on milk for at least another week so I don't intend to do more grocery shopping until then.

Gotta go clean something.


Anonymous said...

I thought I had won,but I couldn't find your email anywhere. LCD

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

There you are- I couldn't get your email address to work and I waited for you to comment for a few days.

Send me an email with your address at

I'll send you something.

Anonymous said...

I'm so impressed with your $30 challenge!

Any updates on what you're eating for meals? :)
