Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Day After...

Feeling a bit strung out and tired after last night's Halloweening.. and we're still not over this nagging yuck of a cold.

After a quick dinner of some thrown together black bean chili- I got the kids ready for their big night.

Big Girl was thoroughly enjoying her third year of trick or treating. It was a far cry from the first year when we only went to four or five houses and although she has always been an excellent talker.. trick or treat was 'trick tree'. This year she had a joke ready. A joke of her own creation.
"How much does a jack-o-lantern pay?" Answer: "None. Boo!" yelled at top volume.

Get it? Yeah, me neither but she sure thought it was a laugh riot. ; )

I really loved her costume. My mom made the dress and the cape. I bought the cauldron bucket, broom, hat, and striped tights at various stores for 1.50-1.00 apiece. Hopefully next year she'll want to be a witch again.

Little Guy's costume was a 75% clearance purchase from last year courtesy of Grandma.

You should see the huge bag of candy we have! I've limited her to two pieces a day but at that rate we'll still have candy until next Halloween. I'm going to have to cull and send the extras to work with Hubby.


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh my, Thanks to Grandma, that costume is fantastic. SO ADORABLE Jenny! And all that candy? Score!

SAHMmy Says said...

Great costume--and frugal to boot! I tagged you for a meme!
