Sunday, April 22, 2007

Garage Sale ennui

Yesterday was the big garage sale day in my neighborhood. And I felt little need to participate. I started gathering piles of my own stuff thinking that I would perhaps have my own sale, but it didn't work out. Hubby's truck broke down (the one we need to sell). Daughter couldn't miss her development assessment at her preschool. And I still haven't figured out quite how to make a table out of the door that I had Hubby pick up from the curb. It was marked 'free' and I knew it would come in handy for something. But, we have no saw horses as he threw out the ones that we'd curb shopped (that were in bad shape but, still a little useful) when we moved. So, I have piles and pricing stickers and I'm thinking of being very prepared in August when we have our Fall garage sale. And I was kinda sad that I had no takers for the free box I put on the lawn. Perhaps I will have to try Freecycle.
Oh well.
And I don't have a list in my head of things to buy anyway. I normally try to buy clothes that the kids will grow into but, I've done that so much already there is no room for more. I almost have no clue how much I've gotten stockpiled for my son. Which is not a good way to help us save money.
So, really the only thing would perhaps be leotards and dance wear for my daughter. And those really aren't necessary when she can wear a t-shirt and shorts. Although the other mothers put their children in glittery swimsuit looking leotards, which I think is kinda silly for three and four year old children. This isn't the olympics.
But, our daughter was slightly upset when we didn't stop by any garage sales yesterday. She loves to explore all the different toys. It's like going to a toy store except that sometimes she actually gets us to buy her something.
So, no great tales of garage sale gleanings. But, perhaps I should pat myself on the back for abstaining from one more way to spend our money.

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