Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Conquering Clutter and Conquering Bad Habits

I love to recycle.  I love to reuse anything that comes into my house that isn't garbage.  Ribbons from packages, unused envelopes, address labels from junk mail- you name it.  I think it's a combination of my hoarder tendencies plus the abhorrence of throwing out usable items.

I have made piles out of the same bits of ephemera in my living room over and over again.  I take the garbage bag and the recycling bag and sit in the middle of mess and work my way down.  Always there is a pile of leftovers that I cannot bring myself to toss.   Today I took the trash can and asked myself what's the worst thing that can happen if this thing gets tossed.  Half the pile went into the can.  I am not organized and I don't have enough room for all the stuff that isn't good enough for Goodwill but is still good. 

I feel like I'm on my own little 12 program to regain my life.  My next question is going to be, "Is this a want or a need?"   Tonight this question kept me from driving to the Dollar Tree.  I came home and did homework with my son and made muffins instead. 

It works if you work it. 

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