Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Life Right Now- In Pictures

I spent some of my birthday money on a metal drying rack.
I donated a bunch to the charity thrift store. This is just one load of a few.
I used some of our jack o' lanterns to make pumpkin puree. I froze four pies worth and made bread from the rest.
I tossed the rest in the backyard for compost and critter snacks.
Here's my kids trying on their Halloween costumes. Grandma bought them last year from the 90% off rack.

Everything is pretty good. My Mom is doing ok. Her last cancer scan was clear. However, her Dr. seems unconvinced that she is no longer terminal. But, I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and also that doctors are not infallible.
The kids are doing well in school. Little Guy is blossoming in Kindergarten and Big Girl is ahead in reading and doing better at math.
Hubby's work travel has slowed down a bit and we've been spending more family time together.
I am content with my lot. And am ready to enjoy the full offerings of November. This morning I told my daughter we weren't even going to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I'm ready to relax and be thankful.


lizzie said...

Your bread looks great ! Sounds like you are getting where you want to be. The more stuff you can get rid off to the Goodwill etc. the better - so liberating.

Rhonda said...

I agree with Lizzie that clearing out the clutter is liberating.
but it is just amazing how much clutter we have even though I don't shop much.
Past generations just did not have too much stuff to deal with.

God for you!
