Thursday, October 9, 2008

What's for dinner: Pot Pie

During my trip to the grocery store this morning, I spotted Banquet pot pies. I used to love those pot pies and was sad that all they had were turkey and chicken. So, I splurged on Pillsbury pie crusts and bought a bag of Birds Eye Veggies (.50 cents after coupon) and resolved to make my own.

I'm adding two chopped up Boca chic patties, a can of cream of celery soup and some re-hydrated tvp chunks. Side dishes will be garden tomato slices and some onion rolls I found on the bakery clearance shelf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy's brand makes pot pies that I've seen at some major groceries plus at the health food type chains. Not always cheap, but if you are craving pot pie taste, they are AWESOME. I think most of them have tofu in them. I like the regular ones that can be microwaved more than the non-dairy and country style versions, but anyway, they taste like the real thing I grew up with!

I have yet to try making my own...
