Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's for dinner: Hashbrown Casserole + a special rant just for you.

Unbaked Hashbrown Casserole.
This Hashbrown Casserole looks possible for our dinner tonight.

I'll have to make a few substitutions like homemade cream soup and queso cheese and cheddar cheese. And I'll add some mushrooms and boca burger.

Now I have to figure out how to shred potatoes with my seldom used food chopper.

Last night we had pasta with red sauce. I sauteed chopped onion and mushrooms in olive oil before adding the jarred chunky Ragu to the pan. It made all the difference in the world.

So, this casserole was more labor intensive that I usually like to mess with. My food processor got a work out what with the potatoes, onions, boca, mushrooms, and cheese. But, I used up half my potatoes, half my mushrooms, two of my five yogurts, and all of my cheese.

wearing last years costume and my shoes.
But, my dinner bread I put in my bread machine way too late to be ready for dinner. And two hours later I see the bread machine paddle sitting on the counter- not in the machine beating my bread. So, now it won't be done until around bedtime. Just one example of how my day is going. My in-laws will be here tomorrow, the house is a wreck and I need to go to the grocery store. The two year old is snotty and acting so his age! I'm getting nothing done and the piles are growing. I've warned the in-laws to expect chaos and anarchy. I hope they know I wasn't joking. ; ) Maybe they'll think the pet hair is a new decorating fad and not an example of my poor housekeeping skillz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yum, we LOVE hash brown casserole!

I wanted to mention that I just posted a winter squash soup recipe on Economical Eats, and it's vegetarian, so I thought of you!
