Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Sweet Stock Up

My Mom bought me these cake mixes when Kroger had them on sale for .50 a box. For me that's cheap enough not to mess with measuring flour. They are also handy for whipping up a quick batch of cookies. It took me less than twenty minutes to mix, bake and serve fresh chocolate cookies for our playdate guest yesterday. They were a hit with the hubby and the kids. Our visitor took home a filled baggie to share with her family too.


Susan said...

Oh sweet Betty Crocker. I miss the old lady, why couldn't she send her sweet mixes to Germany?

Rhonda said...

I love making cake mix cookies.
Chocolate mix with choc. chips are so good. My favorite is a yellow mix with cinnamon, a cup of oats and a few chopped nuts for Oatmeal cookies.

have fun!

Mercedes said...

My friend (the pastry checf) makes cookies and tons of other things out of cake mix. She has this book called something like 101 things to make with cake mix. It's pretty good!
