Tuesday, August 21, 2007

When the Big Cat is away.....

Hubby is on a business trip until late tomorrow night. So, the kids and I are in survival mode. Which means finding reasons to get out of the house and employing bribery incentives for good behavior. Not my normal methods of parenting but, when I am desperate I do what I have to do. Invariably they don't sleep as well at night (neither do I... hearing strange noises and ocd'ing on checking locks...etc) or they get up earlier than usual. Which leaves me tired and willing to bend my own rules.

Like letting my girl eat a cupcake for lunch (it came off of the bargain bakery rack at least), or letting my boy bang a metal cup against the shopping cart handle at the Goodwill until it was chipped so that had to buy it.

And I spent the most I've every spent at Goodwill today. 32.00. Does that seem like a lot?
I bought a few VHS tapes.
Muppet Sing A Long Treasure Island
Wallace and Gromit- A Grand Day Out
Dr. Seuss Daisy Head Mayzie
It's a Wonderful Life
Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm (a gift of a friends 3 year old.)

I also bought a new pair of Barney house slippers for that 3 yo. for Christmas.

I bought my daughter two dresses. One is a denim and pink floral print by Youngland.
The other is a red and black checked winter dress with black velvet trim.
She also got a vintage Saks Fifth Avenue wool coat that still has the dry cleaning tags on it. It's got velvet trim. It's gorgeous. She found it hanging on a rack and I couldn't resist it. 3.00. It still has a bit of Goodwill smell on it. I think I'll try airing it out and maybe a quick shot of Febreeze.

I bought my boy two pajama sets. One is Old Navy the other is a new Circo one from Target. And I bought him a pair of shortalls with dinosaurs on them for next summer.

I bought myself two new crisp floral print napkins for .35 apiece. I have a project I'm working on in the kitchen and I plan on employing them in that regard.

I found a pretty yellow wooden box with duck cut outs that I'm going to put in the kids bathroom to corral all of their shampoo and soap bubble containers that are loose on the toilet tank lid. Marked down to 1.00.

A fairly new board book copy of "My first Bible" will go on my daughter's book shelf. It is more in depth than the baby one she's outgrown. It looks nice enough that I could give it as a baby gift but I'm keeping it.

I couldn't resist a Cachcach baby boy (3-6) outfit that had a light blue giraffe print with a giraffe with a shaggy mane on it. I don't know why I bought it. Perhaps someday one of my thrift shopping friends will have a baby boy. 1.00

And the banged up tin cup for .50.

Maybe I shouldn't let my husband read this blog? ; )


jonceramic said...

It's okay. I spent $15 on a high voltage probe, and $25 on a monitor chassis. (jonceramic.blogspot.com) Now we're even?

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

No, you owe me 8.00 but, I'll settle for an autographed copy of Mary Hunt's new Christmas book.
