Monday, August 20, 2007

In need of Flylady - Break a 'frugal' habit

I'm a big fan of Flylady. I've been following her system for housework for five or six years now. Problem is that although it works you have to keep it up. And I have not been consistent.
With school, gymnastic classes, daycare days and times when Hubby is on a work trip (now) I could really use a plan.
So, I'm planning on rereading Sink Reflections and re-watching her dvd Come Fly with Us that I just never have never been able to bring myself to part with.

One of Flylady's 'commandments' is first to get rid of clutter and then to stop bringing it in. She doesn't like garage sales because that encourages you to hang onto stuff when you need to get it out of your house quickly. I have decluttered many times. Before we moved I would have the DAV come and pick our stuff up.
I have been stockpiling outgrown clothes, old books, etc for months. Hubby and I argue a garage sale (him) vs. a donation to the DAV (me). I haven't won the argument so the piles of garage sale stuff are ever growing. So, I need to plan a garage sale.
But, I keep buying little things for giving as gifts as I find them. I need to stop.
At least until I have a list of people to buy gifts for. I have enough preschool and toddler toys socked away for two years of birthday party gifts. I have too much.
Too many trinkets, too many deodorant samples and travel sized lotions that I horde from hubby's motel room stays.
I need a plan.

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