Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy 2nd of March. What's going on around here.

Hubby had to leave the house early this morning for a business trip.
Today I:

Got the kids dressed, fed, in their coats with their back packs full of the appropriate items and out the door on time for school today.

Watched an old movie while I folded laundry, ate breakfast, and read my emails and favorite blogs.

Took an unplanned hour long nap (sweet decadence).

Took the dog for a walk and ran an errand at the same time.

Returned books to the library and checked out some Mommy videos to watch after the kids are asleep.

Picked Little Guy up from pre-school.

Took him to the play room at another pre-school for an hour.

Ran through Save-A- Lot to pick up some things for tonight's dinner and bought some pantry donation stuff.

Did homework with Big Girl. (We're struggling with making change and telling time)

Now I'm making dinner while the kids watch a .50 vhs video from the library. They really like this video and I like that it's educational.

(Brief interlude while I finished dinner and fed children).

Now we're having some leftover birthday cake. Sigh.

Looking forward to putting the kids down early, talking with Hubby, and finishing fold laundry while I enjoy a video I picked out for myself.

Tomorrow is cleaning day.

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