Friday, August 15, 2008

To Wal-Mart or not to Wal-Mart? That is the question.

Our Wal-Mart is being super sized. It's taken months and it's almost finished.

There is a certain joy for me in being able to do one stop shopping. I love that I'll be able to run in and buy tube socks and veggie sausage at one store.
But, every time I go to a Wal-Mart and deal with the grumpy crush of humanity and grouchy (understandably so) cashiers, I just feel like it's not worth it.

I think I do better bargain hunting at the regular grocery store anyway with less temptation. Minuscule price rollbacks (with often shoddy made in China merchandise) are less and less appealing when I can buy better quality at Goodwill and yard sales.


Meredith said...

I count Target just the same (live in between one of each).

I'm so enamored of the small shopping experience and dirt-cheap prices of secondhand that I almost can't shop at either mega mart.

Rebecca said...

I completely agree! I haven't been to Wal Mart in months - just for that very reason. :)
