Sunday, January 12, 2014

Alive and Kicking

I'm still here.  It's a new year.  I'm thinking about renewing my interest in frugal living.  It's taken a back seat for me for the past year or two and now it's time to get back to it.

I miss scratch cooking.  I miss my freebies.  I miss posting about recycling and reusing my items rather than buying new.  I'm tired of the consumer treadmill.  I want to be a more conscious consumer.  My children need to learn from my example.  Delayed gratification is a good thing.

We're getting a late start because we took a last minute trip to Disney after Christmas.  We've been home a week and everyone has a cold.  I don't really have any good ideas for how to save money at Disney except maybe pack snacks.  Also, the kid's meals at the parks are really a decent size and easily enough food for an average adult. 

For starters, I'm going to read this list of 56 Things to do Instead of Spending Money.   I know I have old gift cards laying around that I can use when I get the urge to splurge.  And the pantry is in need of a major clean out.  Plus, I have pinterest ideas sitting around that I've never gotten around to making. 

Gonna go throw ingredients in my bread machine and get started on the after Christmas clean up.  Today is a stay home day.  Hubby starts his new job tomorrow and the kids go back to school. 